Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Here is a quick rendering of a bag I did exploring how it would open and close. Within the bag storage is a bottom section to place small items like keys, watches, water jugs and etc.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Lambo 1

Here is a rendering of a Lambo. I drew this over a year ago and found the drawing under a stack of papers. I figured why not render this and a whole bunch of other drawings I did in my sketch book. That way I would be able to express my creative side and develop my rendering skills. The medium is pen and paper and rendered on Photoshop. The reflections came out of my head and hopefully it looks like abstract reflections.

March Madness

Beginning this month, I am starting a blog and posting artwork on a normal basis. My objective is to improve my skills and to practice each day. The goal is to come out with a piece once a week, get critique and record my progression. I hope to come out with great portfolio pieces that will eventually lead me to other opportunities.